Connecting Communities

Closing the digital divide

Thousands of households across the East End have no access to the internet.  This is an increasing area of concern, with clear links between digital exclusion and income poverty. Digital exclusion disproportionately impacts children as they need to access critical online learning resources as part of their schooling. It impacts young people seeking employment. And it impacts older people, who represent 76% of those excluded. Older people in particular face high levels of isolation, have difficulties accessing health care and other vital services, like benefits.   

To tackle digital inequality in the East End, we created an innovative partnership with the Letta Trust, the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council, and Poplar HARCA .  

Through this pilot project, we have worked with schools in Tower Hamlets to identify students and families most in need of support. We provide them with a laptop, 12-months’ free broadband and deliver a comprehensive digital training programme.  

So far, we have distributed over 400 laptops. 

Watch our short film to see the difference we’re making!

Evaluations by the Institute for Global Prosperity at University College London show Connecting Communities:  

– significantly improves children’s ability to carry out their schoolwork, engage with other learning activities and boosts their confidence

– improves parents’ digital literacy and ability to support children with their schoolwork  

– helps families access online job opportunities, carry out essential tasks online and work from home 



We have now expanded Connecting Communities to improve more lives across the East End  

Through our partnership, we’re working with schools to support even more families in Tower Hamlets. 

We’ve also created a grants programme to support older people get connected. 

And now we’re extending the project across other East End boroughs too! 


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