Closing the digital divide

Ibtissam experienced real challenges with home-schooling during lockdown, with only one device in the household for her four children to use. Her family were identified by her children’s school to receive support from the Connecting Communities project.

“We are absolutely delighted to be part of Connecting Communities. It’s so important to give our families the opportunity to access a good broadband connection with a quality device together with training to help them use their new laptop. We want all our children to be confident digital citizens who thrive in the digital world.”

Martin Grant, Head Teacher

“I have four young children and one old laptop so, as you can imagine, having a slow broadband connection and sharing one device between four is a daily struggle both physically and mentally. Before receiving the new device, my children would constantly argue about having to take turns on the laptop and teachers would also complain about work not being completed on time. Now, because of Connecting Communities, receiving an additional new device and faster internet solves our problems and greatly reduces stress in my household!”


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