Befriending stories: Hyacinth and Lara

Since the start of the pandemic, every week Lara has been talking on the phone to Hyacinth
– a 78-year-old resident at Coopers Court Care Home in Bow.

“At first it was quite hard to get a conversation going. It was lockdown so neither of us were going out, and didn’t have much to say. I was also conscious that while I could at least enjoy the beautiful weather we were experiencing during that time, she was stuck staring at the same four walls day in, day out. It got easier once I found out she watches ‘The Chase’, so I started watching it on a Thursday night so we could chat about that on our Friday calls. Now we talk easily about our weeks, and the first thing she asks me is ‘How’s George?’ – my cat.”

Talking every week, they have built up quite a close friendship now.

“I know all about her family and she knows everything about mine! We’ve both spent time living in Bow – she’s lived here for over 40 years and been part of social history projects, so I’ve learned so much about how it’s changed.

I was introduced to Hyacinth through East End Community Foundation, who run volunteer programmes, including befriending older people who may be lonely. Research shows that the pandemic has increased loneliness across the country, but its higher in the East End.

This photo shows the first time we met, after two years. It was quite emotional – and somewhat nerve-wracking – after all that time getting to know her. At the moment she’s not mobile enough to be out of bed. We’re still talking on the phone every week and I’m hoping to see her again when she’s up and about, so we can chat in her sitting room or in the garden. 

EECF works with donors to offer volunteer support as part of its wider Life Chances campaign to reduce loneliness and isolation. I’m really proud to be a part of this work. I’ve gained a lot from my friendship with Hyacinth. She could be my grandma, and I want to make sure she’s getting as much support as possible.

This work doesn’t happen without a whole host of amazing people behind the scenes, and the generosity of many people and organisations. If you feel inspired by reading this and are in a position to donate to Life Chances, anything you can spare would be greatly appreciated and will directly help people just like Hyacinth.”

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