Tea Dance Event Aims to Combat Pensioner Isolation

Amidst the ongoing challenges of senior isolation in the East End, there shines a beacon of hope – the annual East End Community Foundation Tea Dance Held every year for more than 10 years, the event has become a staple in the calendar for many older people in Tower Hamlets.

More than just an afternoon of festivities, the Tea dance brings together old and young for a lively afternoon of conversation, dancing and laughter. With attendance regularly in excess of over 150 older residents the event is supported by EECF’s army of dedicated corporate volunteers from companies in the City and Canary Wharf. The Tea Dance forms a series of interventions to help EECF ongoing dedication to addressing pensioner poverty and isolation, where every older person feels valued and supported. 

Christine, a guest at the event said: “Seeing everyone together has been a blast: we all had a lovely time. I don’t get out a lot. With age comes mobility issues. Not being able to see loved ones, it can affect anyone mentally. That’s why occasions like today are great for older people like me to go out have a good time and make happy memories.” 

The ongoing challenges posed by senior isolation is a battle that requires steadfast commitment and unity. Through initiatives like the Tea Dance event and delivery of its Winter care packages, EECF is combating loneliness amongst seniors and building stronger, more connected communities.

Find out more about our older people impact click here.   

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