3000 Winter Care Packages Delivered Thanks To Your Generosity

We are thrilled to announce the successful delivery of 3000 winter care packages, which included critical financial support for vulnerable older residents and households in the East End. 

Thanking our Strategic Partners  

We had a wide range of donors again this year, but a special note of gratitude goes to M&G, Sucden Financial and UBS, whose substantial contributions played a pivotal role in getting support to those most in need. 

We are truly humbled by the generosity and compassion demonstrated by its donors, volunteers and distribution partners who played a role in this initiative.

Community Spirit in Action: Corporate Volunteers and Individual Contributors Shine 

Our Winter Appeal has been running for more than a decade covering Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Newham and the City of London and it is a testament to the power of community spirit. The selfless actions of many have made a lasting impact on those facing challenges during the winter months. 


The Impact You’ve Made: Voices of Gratitude 

We want to share with you the profound impact the donations have had on the lives of the beneficiaries. Here are some heartfelt quotes and pictures from those who have directly benefited from your kindness and serve as a reminder of the tangible difference your collective efforts have made.

Tracey Walsh, EECF’s Chief Executive said As we celebrate this remarkable achievement, we extend our deepest appreciation to all who contributed to our Winter Appeal.  Your commitment to making a positive difference has brought hope, warmth, and joy to the lives of many.  Your support is not just a donation, it’s a lifeline that strengthens the fabric of our community. 


Click here to find out more about the kind of difference you can make. 

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