A conversation with Far East Consortium

FEC is an international developer and operator, specialising in residential, hospitality and commercial ventures. Listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange since 1972,  they now operate across ten countries and three continents. This multinational experience, together with their specialist regional expertise, enables them to deliver first-class residences, communities and destinations tailored to the needs and demands of the local demographic. Since 2011 FEC have been operating across London including the borough of Tower Hamlets and Manchester.

Matthew Taylor- Regional General Manager is responsible for the direction and operations within FEC London office. With a proven track record of leading teams to success and years of experience and expertise in development, Matthew is leading the team to build on our existing pipeline and enhance our operations.

Faye Dasi-Sutton- ESG & Sustainability Manager is responsible for the development and delivery of FEC’s ESG and Sustainability strategy. Working across the group, Faye brings a wealth of multi sector ESG & Sustainability knowledge and is responsible for promoting positive environmental practices, positive impact within the community and an emphasis on enhancing governance.

Philanthropy and Community Engagement

Tell us about the importance of corporate philanthropy and community engagement at FEC?

Faye- FEC’s vision is to be a role model that inspires this generation and beyond to create a more sustainable world. Within our wider ESG strategy we have four key pillars; managing environmental footprint, employer of choice, cultivating community and placemaking. Our key objective under our cultivating community pillar is to create positive impact in the communities in which we operate. Within this pillar we have four key focus areas, social inclusion, arts and culture, volunteering and Youth & local Development.

Do you encourage a culture of giving within your organisation and what have you found to be the most effective way of engaging your staff?

Matthew- We are really fortunate to have an incredible workforce who are excited about being involved in charitable engagement. Many of our team give their personal time to support causes. The best way to engage our team is to provide them with opportunities. We have a volunteering policy in place and our team have dedicated volunteering days to utilise throughout the year. Our Senior Leadership Team champion the activities and encourage their teams to participate where they can.

What motivated FEC to become involved with EECF?

Faye- FEC is proud to be operating within the Isle of Dogs, we have our flagship Consort Place project which is a true mixed use development comprising of residential, affordable housing, hotel, education and medical facilities. It is key for us that we engaged with the local community to strengthen relationships. EECF have provided us with the opportunity to reach out to the local community and facilitated opportunities to make a meaningful contribution to grass roots organisations.

Has FEC’s partnership with EECF helped you in any way align your company’s values and goals?

Matthew- The partnership has given us a valuable action plan to focus our efforts within London on the community in which we are operating. We feel that our values and goals align to the work that EECF are doing and find that we can achieve more through a partnership then we ever could independently.

Dragon Boat Race and Fundraising Efforts

FEC’s recent dragon boat race was a fantastic initiative in aid of EECF’s Life Chances Campaign. How did the idea come about?

Matthew- This event has been spoken about for several years however there has been logistical and operational reasons why it has not been brought to fruition. Our Development Director, Bruno Santos is a massive champion of ESG and Sustainabiltiy. Bruno worked with Faye to bring forward a proposal to our Senior Leadership Team which was overwhelmingly backed by all members. The Senior Leadership Team really saw the value in a collaborative team day which engaged our key partners, all with the aim of supporting EECF and the work they do. The Docklands Sailing and Watersports Centre had the perfect backdrop of our development and is also a charity, making it the perfect fit for us.

What was the highlight and biggest challenge of organising such a large fundraising event?

Faye- This was FEC’s first fundraising event, the highlight for the whole team was catching up with our valued partners in addition to meeting young people from EECF. The team loved engaging with the young people from EECF and providing networking introductions and opportunities. The biggest challenge was navigating the logistics of the event. The FEC team are excited to take learnings into making next years event bigger and better!

Are there any specific theme or projects within the Life Chances Campaign that FEC is particularly passionate about supporting?

Matt- ESG and sustainability are central to FEC’s operation. We create vibrant, lasting communities. FEC feel that EECF are aligned to our ambition of delivering lasting and transformative change. FEC’s focus area of youth and local development aligns with EECF’s focus on mental and physical health and employment for young people. Additionally, FEC’s focus on social inclusion aligns with EECF’s aim to address access to internet and technology and pensioner poverty and isolation.

Personal Insights

On a personal level, what does being involved in these philanthropic efforts mean to you?

Matt- FEC takes a longer-term patient capital approach to regeneration, with placemaking and long-term stewardship at its heart. This means going beyond just delivering high-quality buildings and homes; it requires fully integrating social value initiatives within our proposals. By working closely with organisations such as EECF, we can better understand local issues and realise opportunities that will support local people for the long term. Providing housing for local people is essential, but the true pleasure is seeing how our investment in local communities can create new life chances for people and promote better community cohesion. When our schemes are physically complete, it the legacy of our social value initiatives that really create that sense of pride and motivates us all. Any philanthropic activity is a deeply personal commitment to making a positive impact in the world. It is the act of giving back to society in meaningful ways, driven by a genuine desire to uplift those in need and create lasting change.

Faye- I feel incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to meet and engage with such extraordinary people who are actively working to make the future of their communities that bit better. The people are always so inspiring and positive and always guarantee to bring a smile to your face. Seeing the real difference that the Life Chances campaign has in the community really brings you hope for the future generations.

Do you have a message or advice for other businesses considering partnering with EECF on its Life Chances Campaign?

Matt- EECF hope to have a positive impact on 10,000 local people around the East End. This is a huge challenge however together we can achieve it. We hope that you will join us in tackling inequality and providing opportunity.

Faye- The team at EECF are positive, engaging and always up for working on something sightly different. EECF allow FEC to really engage with the grassroots organisations within the community. The impact that they have had since the launch of the Life Chances Campaign in 2021 is incredibly exciting. If your business is considering partnering with EECF, I highly encourage you to engage with the team. By joining forces with EECF, you can make a tangible difference in the community and be part of a transformative journey.

Want to find out more about EECF? Watch our 90 second animated explainer video click here.

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